abby | 26 | she

i'm abby! 25, she/her, bisexual. american. i'm an academic editor + holder of some funky english lit/adjacent degrees.
i enjoy analyzing media & writing about it. i also like making character playlists and writing fics!

currently focused on fruits basket.
my current to watch/rewatch list: utena, dbz, death note, evangelion, showa genroku rakugo shinju, penguindrum, banana fish

fave characters & relationships;

① i'll show you the power of platonic soulmates
② yes they're in love, yes they're boyfriends
③ disaster siblings to nourish
④ the tender love between a cowboy and a ratboy
⑤ disaster siblings to cherish
⑥ bisexual on bisexual violence

selected fruits basket meta;

all of my meta posts can be found here

selected fic excerpts;

portraiture, yukeru, 5k.

laughing til our ribs get tough, yukeru, 7k.

totally fucked, yuki/kakeru/kimi, ongoing.

i know i've kissed you before, kyoru, 5k.

garden for the ruined, yuki & machi, kakeru & machi, yukeru, ongoing.

places to find me;